

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Shall We Date Guilty Alice Joker Review

My first ever review for otome games....

So... Here are my thoughts ...

Joker has an aim for creating a heart and because of that he is one of the 5 who will help you make a heart by having you fall in love with one of them.

Ok.... Joker is kind of distant at first... But as you progress in the game, he slowly warms up to you and opens up to you. He might seem unkind but actually he is very thoughtful of you. He gets jealous of others easily.. And because he gets shy and embarrassed he can't really express his feelings in words.. instead, he does them through actions....

So for people wondering whether to get Joker or not, please give him a try! I really recommend him and through the story because of Joker, you will just go 'Awww' and fall in love with his character.

Note- I seriously can't express how good his story was and I felt that I didn't waste a single cent on him.... If you are pondering about buying him, please do! He will protect you with all his might !

I can't write better than this...... I can't express my feelings in words like Joker too......... 
But really, all I want to say is Joker is highly recommended and I like him :D

I am sorry I write so amateur-ish...


  1. Hi, I was just wondering, after you buy the stories do you get to keep reading them over and over without having to buy them again?

    1. Yes! You get to read the stories again and again :)

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